For meaningful and powerful and Inspirational Krishna Quotes continue reading below.
One of the most popular incarnations of Lord Vishnu, Krishna is believed to be the epitome of the human form. Among all the incarnations of Lord Vishnu, he is the one who is supposed to possess all the ’16 kalaas’ (16 virtues), that is why he is referred to as ‘sampoorna avatar (the complete incarnation).From his birth in a prison to his death at the hands of a hunter, Krishna’s life has been full of struggle. The only respite being his childhood that he spent in Gokul and Vrindavan, where he was loved by all villagers. As he grew older, he moved to Mathura, where he had to face Kamsa, his maternal uncle. He killed Kamsa, but after that, he could never return to Vrindavan.
The second phase of Krishna’s life was during the time of Mahabharata. The Pandavas were related to Krishna, since they were on the right path, Krishna was with them. Just before the war between the cousins, Pandaav Prince had a feeling of guilt looking at his relatives on the other side, with whom he was supposed to fight and kill them.
Due to guilt feeling, his bow, Gandeev, started to slip out of his hands and he started feeling weak. He refused to fight the war. It was at this critical juncture; Lord Krishna bestowed him with the diving knowledge about life, duties and the truth about the soul.
This divine gyaan is available to us in the form of the Bhagavad Gita. This great epic stands like a lighthouse to guide mankind when caught in any kind of dilemma.His teachings are very practical and applicable to everyone and on a daily basis. It teaches us the difference between us and HIM (the god) and encourages us to keep doing our duties without worrying about the results. Read Krishna Quotes below. Lord
Krishna Quotes and Teachings
Given below is a collection of 20 of his most beautiful and most powerful quotes and teachings. These quotes appeal to humankind even today. Whenever you are in doubt, you can read these quotes, and every time, you will get a new meaning of the same quote. Krishna Quotes. You may also send these quotes to your loved ones as a good morning wish or whenever they need them.
न जायते म्रियते वा कदाचि
न जायते म्रियते वा कदाचि- न्नायं भूत्वा भविता वा न भूयः ।
अजो नित्यः शाश्वतोऽयं पुराणो- न हन्यते हन्यमाने शरीरे ॥

Why do you worry without any reason? Whom do you fear? Who can kill you? The soul is neither born nor dies.
नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावकः
नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावकः।
न चैनं क्लेदयन्त्यापो न शोषयति मारुतः ॥

No weapon can shred the soul, no fire can burn it. No water can wet the soul and no air can dry it.
This means that our soul is away from all these worldly things. Nothing and I repeat nothing can cause any damage to the soul.
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि।। 2.47।

You have only a right to perform your duties, but never have any rights to its fruits. Never assume yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities, and never associate yourself with inaction.
Keep performing your duties without expecting results. And never get into a mode of being not active.
क्रोधात् भवति संमोह
क्रोधाद्भवति संमोहः संमोहात्स्मृतिविभ्रमः।
स्मृतिभ्रंशाद् बुद्धिनाशो बुद्धिनाशात्प्रणश्यति।

When in anger, a person loses the ability to judge what is right and wrong. Hence, he/she destroys the power of the intellect. Without intellect, a person cannot achieve anything in life. He/she will be doomed.
When in anger, a person loses the ability to judge what is right and wrong. Hence, he/she destroys the power of the intellect. Without intellect, a person cannot achieve anything in life. He/she will be doomed.
यद्यदाचरति श्रेष्ठस्तत्तदेवेतरो जनः ।
यद्यदाचरति श्रेष्ठस्तत्तदेवेतरो जनः।
स यत्प्रमाणं कुरुते लोकस्तदनुवर्तते।।3.21।।

By performing their prescribed duties, King Janak and many other great men attained perfection. Krishna says, “a man should conduct himself in such a way that it becomes an example for the good of the world.” Whatever actions great persons perform, common people follow. Whatever standards they set, all the world pursues.
Whatever deeds are performed by the great men, the common men follow in their footsteps. And whatever standards the great people set, it becomes a norm.
यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत
यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत।
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम्।।

This quotes translates to- Whenever there is a fall in righteousness and a surge of unrighteousness, O descendant of Bharat, at that time I manifest myself on earth.
O Arjun, Whenever and wherever the evil forces become and good people suffer, I reincarnate myself.
हतो वा प्राप्यसि स्वर्गम्
हतो वा प्राप्यसि स्वर्गम्, जित्वा वा भोक्ष्यसे महिम्।
तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चय:॥

If you fight, you will either get killed and get a place in the celestial abode or will gain victory and enjoy the kingdom on earth. In both cases, you stand to gain. Therefore, hey son of Kunti, be determined and stand up to fight.
This Krishna quote says “Hey son of Kunti, the war will have 2 possibilities, either you would get killed, or you will be victorious. IF you get killed, you will get the supreme celestial abode. And if you win, you will enjoy worldly pleasure. Hence, stand up and get ready to fight the war.
परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय
परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम्।
धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय संभवामि युगे युगे।।4.8।

To protect the righteous, to destroy the evil, and to re-establish the principles of dharma I appear on this earth, era after era.
In order to protect good people and punish evil people, and to re-establish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium.
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि।।2.47।

You’ve got the right to perform your duties, but never to the fruit of the work. So, a person should just keep performing his/her duties, without worrying about the results.
त्रिविधं नरकस्येदं द्वारम नाशनमात्मन
त्रिविधं नरकस्येदं द्वारम नाशनमात्मन: ।
काम: क्रोधस्तथा लोभस्तस्मादेतत्त्रयं त्यजेत् ॥

There are three things that lead to Hell. These are like three entrances to Hell. And these three things are greed, anger and excitement.
मात्रास्पर्शास्तु कौन्तेय शीतोष्णसुखदुःखदाः
मात्रास्पर्शास्तु कौन्तेय शीतोष्णसुखदुःखदाः।
आगमापायिनोऽनित्यास्तांस्तितिक्षस्व भारत।। 2.14।।

The pleasure from the senses seems like nectar at first, but it is sour as the toxin in the end.
समुद्रमापः प्रविशन्ति यद्वत्।
तद्वत्कामा यं प्रविशन्ति सर्वे
स शान्तिमाप्नोति न कामकामी।।2.70।।

The water from the river keep falling into the ocean, but the ocean does not get disturbed. Similarly, many beautiful things come near sages, but they are not attracted by it and remain calm.
उद्धरेदात्मनात्मानं नात्मानमवसादयेत्।
उद्धरेदात्मनाऽऽत्मानं नात्मानमवसादयेत्।
आत्मैव ह्यात्मनो बन्धुरात्मैव रिपुरात्मनः।।6.5।।

Make your mind strong to elevate yourself and not degrade yourself. This is because the mind can be the friend and also the enemy of the self.
This Lord Krishna quotes says that – “Our rise and fall, both are in our own hands. No one can help us with that. Though our teachers, gurus, and saints can show us the path, it is us, who has to walk the distance. And to rise in our life, we must train our mind in the right direction. The same mind is both our best friend and worst enemy.”
पत्रं पुष्पं फलं तोयं यो मे भक्त्या प्रयच्छति ।
पत्रं पुष्पं फलं तोयं यो मे भक्त्या प्रयच्छति।
तदहं भक्त्युपहृतमश्नामि प्रयतात्मनः।।9.26।।

If someone offers Me anything with pure devotion, even a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or simply water, I delightfully partake of that article offered with love by My devotee in pure consciousness.
God is not hungry for expensive gifts. If someone offers even the smallest of gifts, even water, but with pure devotion, I happily accept it and give him my blessings.
यस्मान्नोद्विजते लोको लोकान्नोद्विजते च यः।
यस्मान्नोद्विजते लोको लोकान्नोद्विजते च यः।
हर्षामर्षभयोद्वेगैर्मुक्तो यः स च मे प्रियः।।12.15।।

Those who do not annoy anyone and who in turn are not annoyed by anyone, who are same in pleasure and pain, and free from fear and anxiety, my all such devotees are very dear to Me.
People who stay calm and behave in the same at all times – good or bad are very close to me.
सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज।
सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज।
अहं त्वा सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुचः।।18.66।।

This quote translates to “Give up all other dharmas and just surrender unto me alone. I shall give you freedom from all sinful reactions; do not fear.”
Meaning of Lord Krishna Quote:
Lord Krishna says, “Leave everything else, and just focus on to me. Surrender yourself to me only. I shall give you freedom from all fear and sinful deeds.
न जायते म्रियते वा कदाचि- न्नायं भूत्वा भविता वा न भूयः ।
न जायते म्रियते वा कदाचि- न्नायं भूत्वा भविता वा न भूयः ।
अजो नित्यः शाश्वतोऽयं पुराणो- न हन्यते हन्यमाने शरीरे ॥

The soul is beyond the cycle of birth and death. It never takes birth and never dies. Nor, having once been has this cycle stopped. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval. The soul is not slain even when the body is dead.
अशोच्यानन्वशोचस्त्वं प्रज्ञावादांश्च भाषसे।
श्री भगवानुवाच
अशोच्यानन्वशोचस्त्वं प्रज्ञावादांश्च भाषसे।
गतासूनगतासूंश्च नानुशोचन्ति पण्डिताः।।2.11।।

The Blessed Lord said: While speaking learned words, you are mourning for what is not worthy of grief. The wise people do not lament for people living or dead.
जातस्य हि ध्रुवो मृत्युर्ध्रुवं जन्म मृतस्य च।
जातस्य हि ध्रुवो मृत्युर्ध्रुवं जन्म मृतस्य च।
तस्मादपरिहार्येऽर्थे न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि।।

Death is sure for one who has been born, and rebirth is inevitable for one who has died. Therefore, you should not lament over the Inevitable.
सुखदुःखे समे कृत्वा लाभालाभौ जयाजयौ ।
सुखदुःखे समे कृत्वा लाभालाभौ जयाजयौ।
ततो युद्धाय युज्यस्व नैवं पापमवाप्स्यसि।।2.38।

Fight, because it’s your duty to fight, treating alike happiness and distress, loss and gain, victory and defeat. If you fulfill your responsibility in such a manner, you will never incur sin.
This Lord Krishna Quote tells us to Treating happiness and sadness is a great virtue. If a person maintains a balance between the two, a person can attain peace of mind in any situation he faces. But to get that state of mind requires a great deal of dedication and practice.