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Known as Kanhaiya, Bansidhar, Gopal, Maakhanchor, Rannchhod and several other names, Krishna is one of the most revered and popular Hindu deity. He is the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Krishna worshipped not only in India but across the world in various forms. He has been a focus of many bhakti devotional cults.
Birth of Kanhaiya:
Born to Vasudev and Devki, Krishna was the 8th child, who was born after all the previous children, had been killed, as soon as they were born, by Kamsa, (Krishna’s maternal uncle). Krishna was born on the ashtami tithi, during the krishna paksha, of the Bhadrapada month of the Hindu calendar.
When Krishna was born, his biological parents were in the prison. Krishna was born around midnight. At that time, due to divine intervention, all the doors of the prison opened mysteriously and the security guards fell asleep, clearing the path for his father Vasudev to safely move Krishna out of the prison. It was raining very heavily, but still, Vasudev took baby Krishna through the flooding Yamuna River to Vrindavan, where his friend, Nandrai used to live.
Nandrai’s wife, Yashoda had also given birth to a baby girl, at the same time. So, Vasudev left Krishna in the safety of Nandrai, and returned with the daughter of Nandrai, before anyone could notice. As soon as he entered his prison, all the doors got locked as they were before and the guards did not notice anything unusual.
Childhood Background:
Krishna spent his childhood in Vrindavan, playing with the ‘gwaales’ and ‘gopis’ of Vrindavan. Though Kamsa sent many demons to kill Krishna, they all failed and were killed by Krishna. Krishna used to play with friends, play the flute, and also used to steal ‘makhaan’ (fresh butter) and eat with his friends. When Krishna, grew up, his maternal uncle, Kamsa invited him to Mathura and there challenged Krishna for ‘Malla-Yuddha’. Krishna defeated Kamsa in a wrestling match and eventually killed him, thus liberating the people of the kingdom from the atrocities of Kamsa. He returned the kingdom of Mathura to his maternal grandfather, Urgasen.
Krishna’s role in Mahabharata
Apart from killing Kamsa, Krishna played a pivotal role in the Mahabharata war as well. All the Pandavas were his cousins and he was very close to them, especially to Arjun. When the Mahabharata war was about to start, Arjun became nervous looking at his own relatives on the opposite side. At that moment, Lord Krishna gave Arjun the discourse on ‘karma and ‘dharma’. All the teachings are a part of a holy Hindu epic, called the Bhagwad Gita. This epic acts as a lighthouse for all people, whenever they are caught up in a dilemma.
During the war, he became Arjun’s charioteer and guided the Pandav’s to victory. He played a key role in killing all the main soldiers of the Kauravs army.
Death of Kanhaiya:
After the war, he returned to his kingdom in Dwarka. But due to a curse given by Gandhari, after 36 years of the Mahabharata war, the Yadav clans started fighting among each other and destroyed everything. Krishna renounced the world and moved to the forest. Once while resting a tree, a hunter, named ‘Jara’ saw his feet which were partly visible. Thinking it to be deer’s feet, he shot an arrow thereby killing Krishna. The place where Lord Krishna was killed is now a major pilgrimage, called ‘Bhakla Teerth’. It is located in Veraval, Gujarat, at a distance of about 4 km from the Somnath temple.
Many people believed that this was the end of ‘Dvapar yug’ and the beginning of the ‘Kaliyug’.
Lord Krishna Images
Given below are 20 Lord Krishna HD images, which you may use as wallpapers on your laptop or desktop screen. This will ensure that as soon you open your system to start your work, you get darshan and the blessings of Lord Krishna.